The context root of an EAR application

From: Graf László <>
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2006 15:09:05 +0200

Hi all,

Using a NetBeans 5.5 for Windows and Sun Java System Application Server
Platform Edition 9.0 Beta (build b32g) for Linux, I did create an
enterprise application named 'exlybris'.

The server works fine, I did deploy the application without any problem.
This EAR contains an EJB module, named 'exlybris-EJBModule.jar', and a
web module, named 'exlybris-WebModule.war', as you can see in my
application.xml below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<application version="5" xmlns=""

The EJB module contains three container-managed EJB3 and the WEB module
contains a simple index.html only. The server can be reached at the
address 'http://ip-address:8080'. My question is, if the context root of
my web module is '/exlybris-WebModule', why the server gives me the message

  HTTP Status 404 -


*type* Status report


*description* _The requested resource () is not available._


      Sun Java System Application Server Platform Edition 9.0 Beta

when I access the URL 'http://ip-address:8080/exlybris-WebModule/' ?
Please help me.

Thank you,

Graf László