You gotta love the fisheye...

From: vince kraemer <vince.kraemer_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 02 Feb 2006 10:01:42 -0800

Mark, et. al.

I was able to use fisheye to find the class that is... [could not find
proper term for this in the BileBlog]... messages into your log.

I found a couple other files that have the same "pattern" [private
static void p(]:

I cannot tell "why" this suddenly became an issue for you, since all of
these files are at least 56 day old...


Mark A. Basler wrote:

> Any replies on this....
> Thanks - Mark
> Jim Driscoll wrote:
>> I'm curious about this - what happened?
>> Jim
>> Mark A. Basler wrote:
>>> HI Guys,
>>> I downloaded last nights build to test some bug fixes that have been
>>> checked in for JSF. During my testing is see an extreme amount
>>> (pages & pages) of INFO messages (see below).
>>> Did somebody forget to turn off a debugging flag...
>>> Please let me know...
>>> Thanks - Mark
>>> [#|2006-01-31T10:28:38.250-0800|INFO|sun-appserver-pe9.0||_ThreadID=24;_ThreadName=htt
>>> pWorkerThread-8080-3;|
>>> [JSTLXPathVariableResolver] [resolveVariable] namespace: prefix:
>>> localName: entry|#]