Re: EJB Session Bean Deployment

From: vince kraemer <vince.kraemer_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 16:33:46 -0800

Is the interface com.iecokc.products.IBrandNameProduct annotated with
@Remote and com.iecokc.products.BrandNameProduct annotated with
@Stateless or @Stateful?

Jason Lee wrote:

>That's what I've been trying. Since I started this thread, I found this
>guy's blog:
>which says exactly what you said. When I deploy my ear, though, I still
>don't see the session bean in the JNDI browser. If I run my client, it
>fails to find the bean by any name I am expecting (based on my JBoss
>testing) to find: com.iecokc.products.BrandNameProduct and
>com.iecokc.products.IBrandNameProduct. If it'll help, I've attached the
>server log.
>Here's the layout of my ear:
>bnpr.jar has the package hierarchy, and some properties files for the
>bean in the root of the jar. I don't know what I'm doing wrong, as
>everything looks right based on what I've been able to find. I have the
>JEE 5 spec downloaded and am digging through that. We'll see if
>anything turns up from that.
>Thanks for your help.
>Jason Lee