you should check my blog on I have a pretty simple web
service client example.
since I wrote it, you can replace wsimport/javac with just asapt to
compile your client and it will do the wscompile for you.
asapt client/
appclient client.Client
would be the *only* thing to do...
jerome wrote:
> I am looking for a note/tutorial/whatever to information on writing a web service client where
> the person writing the code DOES NOT need to know/reference classes, etc. that will be
> generated by wsimport (See 'Building the Client' in OR
> this code [] from
> I will willingly trade "hairier code" for something that I can compile the instant my fingers are done typing it in.
> My "goal" is to write a client that uses injection, that is as simple using an injected EJB.
> See:
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