Page 233 : "For information about configuring the connector service, see Sun GlassFish Message Queue 4.4 Administration Guide. " I guess, this is not needed as we do not expose any specific property / attribute for MQ. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page : 234 Remark 15-1 : Connector Security Map A connector security map associates the caller identity of the application (principal or user group) to a suitable EIS principal or group. For administration procedures, see "Administering Connector Security Maps" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page : 237 Use the ping-connection-pool or flushconnection-pool should be Use the ping-connection-pool or flush-connection-pool --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page : 241 (Optional) If needed, restart the server. 3 Some properties require server restart. See “Configuration Changes That Require Server Restart” on page 41. If your server needs to be restarted, see “To Restart a Domain” on page 72. Above bullet (3) is not required as we do not require the user to restart server for resource-adapter-config create/delete/update. [I am assuming that this point is added only in v3, if so, we can remove it. Please let me know if it was there in v2 docs] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page : 242 Listing Configurations for a Resource Adapter Example 15–8 This example lists the configurations for the resource adapter ra1: asadmin> list-resource-adapter-configs --raname ra1 ra1 ra2 Command list-resource-adapter-configs executed successfully Example can be : Example 15–8 This example lists all the resource-adapter-configs : asadmin> list-resource-adapter-configs ra1 ra2 Command list-resource-adapter-configs executed successfully [This change is required as we have not allowed creation of multiple resource-adapter-config for a particular resource-adapter.] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page : 243 Set the property of the connector resource by using the set(1) subcommand. 3 For example: set domain.resources.resource-adapter-config.ra1.* should be Set the property of the connector resource by using the set(1) subcommand. 3 For example: set domain.resources.resource-adapter-config.ra1.raSpecificProperty=value --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page : 243 Bulleted points 4 and 5 are the same. (Infact both can be removed as it is not required to restart server) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Remark 15-2 : ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Man page has : sadmin Utility Subcommands list-connector-security-maps(1) This example lists the existing connector security maps for the pool named connector-Pool1. asadmin> list-connector-security-maps connector-Pool1 securityMap1 Command list-connector-security-maps executed successfully. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Above sample seems correct. Please explain if you see any issue. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- list-connector-security-maps SAMPLES (Example 15-11) You can use the following sample : ====================================================================== asadmin list-connector-security-maps MyPool map1 map2 ====================================================================== asadmin list-connector-security-maps --securitymap map1 MyPool map1 Principal(s) foo1 foo2 Backend Principal User Name = dbmap1 Password = dbmap1 ====================================================================== asadmin list-connector-security-maps --verbose MyPool map1 Principal(s) foo1 foo2 Backend Principal User Name = dbmap1 Password = dbmap1 map2 User Group(s) hr manager Backend Principal User Name = dbmap2 Password = dbmap2 ====================================================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Remark 15-3: You can use the following text : "To map the caller identity of the work submitted by the connector module (resource adapter) EIS principal or EIS user group to a suitable principal or user group in the Enterprise Server security domain. " Difference between Connector Security Map and Connector Work Security Map is that, former is used to map the application's credentials to EIS credential and the latter is used to map EIS' credential to credentials of application server security domain. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Remark 15-4: You can use the following sample : ======================================================================== asadmin list-connector-work-security-maps generic-ra generic-ra-groups-map: EIS group=eis-group, mapped group=glassfish-group generic-ra-principals-map: EIS principal=eis-bar, mapped principal=bar generic-ra-principals-map: EIS principal=eis-foo, mapped principal=foo Command list-connector-work-security-maps executed successfully. asadmin update-connector-work-security-map --raname generic-ra --removeprincipals eis-foo generic-ra-principals-map Command update-connector-work-security-map executed successfully. asadmin list-connector-work-security-maps generic-ra generic-ra-groups-map: EIS group=eis-group, mapped group=glassfish-group generic-ra-principals-map: EIS principal=eis-bar, mapped principal=bar Command list-connector-work-security-maps executed successfully. ======================================================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page : 250 Example : 15-20 (command need to be aligned properly as other text) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------