
Re: Performance JPA?

From: Richard Kolb <rjdkolb_at_gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 3 Mar 2011 11:22:33 +0200

Hi Matthias

On 2 March 2011 19:51, Matthias Fraass <matthias.fraass_at_tricoder.net> wrote:

> long time no see :).


> First, I can tell you that our Weblogic -> Glassfish migration is on good
> progress! We already have switch several servers and there are more to come!
> I was struggling with maintaining batch process the other day and was
> wondering whether it would be more coder friendly using JPA's native
> queries.
> I was quite shocked about the performance hit we got: Mind you, we're NOT
> using full-fledged Entity beans: just plain SQL! The performance still was
> about x4 - x10 worse than using plain JDBC and PreparedStatements!
> As the java.net forums seem to be quite dead, I thought it'd be a good
> idea to talk to you folks.
> So I put up a little test to verify it. You'll find it attached. If you
> have Maven2, it should run immediately (after downloading glassfish embedded
> 3.1, though...).
> It's simple: first, it creates a table "customer" and inserts 1000 rows.
> Then it will do "SELECT * from customer" in three different ways:
> * via JDBC -> will take under 1s (including call of the session bean)
> * via JPA's createNativeQuery -> will take about 4-7 seconds
> * via EJB-QL -> will take about 4-7 seconds
> It's just doing the select - no parsing of the resultset at all.
> I know that it is a very rough test but it does it's purpose: showing that
> JPA is much slower than JDBC.
> Don't bother about the Derby database (you can start it via
> glassfish\javadb\bin\startNetworkServer). I can verify this using a remote
> Oracle 10g database on HP-UX.
> How come this is so slow? There's no O/R-Mapping involved and the queries
> are prepared before calling it - what's taking it so long?
> I had big hopes in JPA's native queries for breaking the last plain JDBC
> bastion!
> Or am I missing some basic thing?

This is a topic that interest me as well.
We are developing a key system where performance is everything.
Slow queries actually get SLA violations.

We are using Hibernate 3 native queries to query a HP Non-stop database.

We were also wondering why JPA Hibernate was so much slower than straight
JDBC (yuck)

Busy downloading your sample.
We have a license for JProfiler, perhaps I can profile it.