
Blocker: Exploded Libs and Eclipse Plugin

From: Harald Wellmann <harald.wellmann_at_gmx.de>
Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2011 20:32:59 +0100

Dear all,

Glassfish 3.1 has been released at last, but I'm afraid I cannot share
the excitement, seeing that Glassfish 3.1 is currently unusable from

I'm sorry if this is slightly off-topic on this list, but this is a
major blocker for anybody working with Eclipse and Glassfish, and it is
has not even been confirmed whether the problem is located in the
Glassfish Eclipse plugin or in Glassfish itself.

See http://java.net/jira/browse/GLASSFISHPLUGINS-324 for all the details.

The problem has been reported more than two months ago and it has been
confirmed by a number of users.

I would like to kindly ask the development teams both on the server and
plugin sides to have a another look into this issue and at least
identify the cause.

While the investigation is ongoing, it would be helpful if an older
release of the plugin could be made available again - the update site
http://download.java.net/glassfish/eclipse/helios currently only has the
latest version which appears to be broken.

for a working configuration.

Best regards,
