
Re: Request for comments : FishCAT, the way forward

From: Judy Tang <judy.j.tang_at_oracle.com>
Date: Fri, 25 Jun 2010 02:09:01 -0700

I am learning a lot from all your discussion. Many good points. I see
the FishCAT passion, thank you :-)

Richard plan to send out a survey form to collect input. Thanks
Richard. Hope to hear from every one!


Richard Kolb wrote:
> Hi Vladimir and Kristian
> Nice discussion so far:)
> On 25 June 2010 05:54, Vladimir Perlov <vladperl_at_hotmail.com
> <mailto:vladperl_at_hotmail.com>> wrote:
> > On the other side however, providing people
> > with "reward" for quantity of bugs filed doesn't seem a smart
> idea as
> > it doesn't say anything about quality of bug filed (duplicates,
> simple
> > misconfiguration issues, ...).
> It's easy one to fix. The issue filler will get some score only
> after review and confirmation from quality engineer from Oracle.
> I actually agree with this. But FishCat should have some very clear
> ways to score.
> For a 'bug'
> 1) You need to search for duplicates
> 2) You need to post a message on the GlassFish users mailing list
> saying you searched for dups : 2 Stickers
> 3) Someone else needs to comment : 2 Stickers
> 4) When someone does not have a clear answer you can log the issue
> 5) The issue must have clear steps to reproduce and question was asked
> on GlassFish users mailing list : 2 Stickers
> So someone who just logs an issue gets 2 Stickers
> So someone who goes though the process gets 6 Stickers
> This is just an idea to show how Stickers can be earned.
> > In my testing of gfv3, I didn't really
> > run into any serious issues worth reporting so I don't get
> points for
> > filing any. Should a testing reward motivate people to file
> "much", or
> > should it motivate to provide _good_ feedback? :)
> That why I'm suggesting to make virtual currency instead of plain
> points.
> You will be able to earn the currency in many ways. For example
> helping on forums, suggesting new features, making demo or
> promoting the product. I will describe in details how it should
> work in the document that I will have prepared by Monday.
> If virtual currency idea will not get support then we should ask
> Richard to rename points to stickers and beg his daughter to
> provide us with some amount of them :)
> lol, I am thinking this is not a bad idea.
> If we can't reward with anything tangible (like money) besides the
> other benefits obviously, let's call it what it is and maybe add some
> humor in it.Being apart of FishCAT should be fun and not always
> serious all the time. Developers usually have a _strange_ sense of
> humor; let's attract them that way.
> Being serious all the time is for .NET people ;-) Do you think we will
> be sued for that slogan ?
> Every FishCAT member should start with a clear slate every few months,
> so you can compete with the other FishCATs in the class for stickers.
> regards
> Richard.