
Re: Calling for a few good FishCATs

From: Judy Tang <judy.j.tang_at_oracle.com>
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 2010 08:03:48 -0700

Thanks Eduardo and Richard. Credit goes to a great QA managers/team!

FishCAT being a quality community program, it would be good to have
community leaders to give
FishCAT new blood, new brain, and new success. Please apply and join
the fun. I am in this alias
to continue cheer ...

Go FishCAT and Go GlassFish!

Thanks :-)

Richard Kolb wrote:
> Hi Eduardo
> On 3 June 2010 06:56, Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart <pelegri_at_dev.java.net
> <mailto:pelegri_at_dev.java.net>> wrote:
> Last week we released GlassFish 3.1 M1. One of the themes of 3.1
> is to maintain and improve our quality; FishCAT was critical to
> accomplish that in our previous releases (3.0 and 2.x) and we
> would like to continue the program in 3.1.
> FishCAT combines contributions from the members of the quality
> community with a commitment from the core development team to
> respond to issues raised there. Judy Tang did a wonderful job as
> the FishCAT coordinator but she has taken up a different role at
> Oracle and won't be able to continue with this role. So, we are
> soliciting your help:
> 1-3 community members.
> coordinate the activities of the rest of the FishCAT team
> Similar to what Judy was doing: track what the contributors are
> doing, what is being tested, in what configurations/platforms,
> interact with the development team, gain fame and know you are
> making a difference.
> If you are willing to help, please let me and Judy know!
> I would love to apply for this / one of these roles.
> I've seen Alexis's YouTube video on GlassFish 3.1, and it's really
> exciting.
> Also, this is a good opportunity to thank Judy for her outstanding
> contribution towards GlassFish community! Thanks, Judy!!
> Yes, Judy was really the golden thread the brought the Cat's together
> and made GlassFish a better product!
> regards
> Richard.