
Calling for a few good FishCATs

From: Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart <pelegri_at_dev.java.net>
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 2010 21:56:51 -0700

Last week we released GlassFish 3.1 M1. One of the themes of 3.1 is to
maintain and improve our quality; FishCAT was critical to accomplish
that in our previous releases (3.0 and 2.x) and we would like to
continue the program in 3.1.

FishCAT combines contributions from the members of the quality community
with a commitment from the core development team to respond to issues
raised there. Judy Tang did a wonderful job as the FishCAT coordinator
but she has taken up a different role at Oracle and won't be able to
continue with this role. So, we are soliciting your help:

   1-3 community members.
   coordinate the activities of the rest of the FishCAT team
   Similar to what Judy was doing: track what the contributors are
doing, what is being tested, in what configurations/platforms, interact
with the development team, gain fame and know you are making a difference.

If you are willing to help, please let me and Judy know!

Also, this is a good opportunity to thank Judy for her outstanding
contribution towards GlassFish community! Thanks, Judy!!

Go FishCAT!

   - eduard/o