
Re: EJB development with Maven, making it easier and more fool proof.

From: Richard Kolb <rjdkolb_at_gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 2010 11:51:50 +0200

On 16 March 2010 11:29, Wouter van Reeven <wouter_at_van.reeven.nl> wrote:

> On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 11:08:40AM +0200, Richard Kolb wrote:
> > That's the thing, it works 100%, because Netbeans packages the JAR
> differently
> > to Maven
> > The log4j-1.2.15.jar is included in the root of the EJB JAR
> >
> > In the original mail I compared the two ways. One maven, the other NB 6.8
> > native
> OK I can verify that. That looks like a bug in the maven-ejb-plugin to
> me. Maybe we can discuss this further on the NetBeans Maven mailinglist,
> since it looks like a NetBeans issue.

just to be clear the bug is in the ejb Maven packaging and not in the
The maven-ejb-plugin fixes the issue, (or works around it)
