
Spring, JAX-WS web services in v3?

From: Kristian Rink <rink_at_planconnect.de>
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 2010 21:54:45 +0100


about to get productive with GFv3, I figured a slightly different
behaviour compared to v2 related to JAX-WS web services: In some of our
modules, we use Spring and JAX-WS remoting per annotation-configuration
(see "17.5.5. Exposing servlet-based web services using JAX-WS..." in
[1] for further info). In GFv2, this works rather well - I can deploy
the war file in question into the application server, can access the
SOAP endpoint exposed this way, test it, generate WSDL, ... . Deploying
the same app to GFv3, trying to access what I suppose to be the URL of
the SOAP endpoint just ends up in a 404.

I am aware that this eventually is a little vague and an issue somewhere
amidst "interoperability" and having Spring into this. However: Any
ideas where to look to get hold of this? Any input I could provide in
order to help figuring out what's goin' on? Known problem, eventually?

TIA and all the best,


Dipl.-Ing.(BA) Kristian Rink * Software- und Systemingenieur
planConnect GmbH * Könneritzstr. 33 * 01067 Dresden
fon: 0351 215 203 71 * cell: 0176 2447 2771 * mail: rink_at_planconnect.de
Amtsgericht Dresden HRB: 20 015 * St.-Nr. FA DD I 201 / 116 / 05360
Geschäftsführer: Stefan Voß, Karl Stierstorfer