Thanks Richard. This is a great example. Woulter also said he uses
TDD. Would be interest to hear from more cats, fishes on TDD experience :-)
Does the initial development cycle becomes longer, how much longer? Any
special tool for TDD?
Richard Kolb wrote:
> Hi Judy
> 2010/1/6 Judy Tang < <>>
> You are doing so many things, supper man :-)
> Thanks , trying hard:)
> May be when you have time you could share with us your experience
> and result with TDD? In what way it helps you to write a high
> quality code. Some examples
> would be good to show when you do the TDD you can catch the bug,
> if you don't you may miss the bug. It is no hurry, only when you
> got time.
> But it's even more than just testing. It forces the developer to think
> before writing code.
> So if you are designing a bridge :
> Think about how many cars will carry, say 30 per minute
> Think about the wind speeds, say max 100 km/h
> Think about how many lanes are under the bridge.
> Then build the bridge, one part at a time and make sure it complies to
> the above.
> Instead of :
> Build a bridge
> Find out the bridge can handle the cars, so add cross beams two weeks
> before the bridge opens
> 10 years later the wind comes up, and the bridge falls down
> And the bridge needs more lanes a year down line, so it costs more
> money in the end.
> *Test-driven development* (TDD) is a software development
> <> technique that
> relies on the repetition of a very short development cycle: First
> the developer writes a failing automated test case
> <> that defines a desired
> improvement or new function, then produces code to pass that test
> and finally refactors
> <> the new code to
> acceptable standards
> Yes, is sounds a bit strange at first, but it saves time, improves
> quality and avoids silly bugs being introduced. :)
> regards
> Richard