
Re: gfv3: activation of log level changes?

From: Kedar Mhaswade <Kedar.Mhaswade_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 28 Jan 2010 15:03:40 -0800

Kristian Rink wrote:
> Folks;
> is there any difference between v2 and v3 in how log level changes (set
> via admin_gui or asadmin) are activated in the system? While in v2
> whenever I set any log level to FINEST, I immediately saw my log file
> filling up with debug messages. Doing so in v3 somehow seems to only be
> effective after restarting the domain?

AFAIK, the changes are dynamically applicable. Are you saying that it's
the case with only activation module logger or all the loggers? IOW,
this is supposed to work just like it did in v2.

So, this dynamic reconfiguration capability is important to you, right?

> Using slf4j-jdk logging in my application if that might be of interest.

Can you try it with the vanilla logging (JDK logging) that comes by default?
