
Re: ejb-jar.xml: Premature end of file

From: Richard Kolb <rjdkolb_at_gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 10 Dec 2009 16:53:34 +0200

2009/12/10 matthias.fraass_at_tricoder.net <matthias.fraass_at_gmail.com>

> 2009/12/10 Richard Kolb <rjdkolb_at_gmail.com>:
> > Hi Matthias
> >
> > Can you provide a sample to recreate this ? Source code and possibly EAR
> I created a bug
> https://glassfish.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=11294 and
> attached a sample EAR.

Cool , thanks.
I downloaded it , but I am to scared to deploy on the release.
I'm in a happy mood now with the release and all ;-)

> > I know I am like a broken record. But why not move your project to maven
> ?
> > It saved my life I promise :)
> We *are* moving to maven but this will take months to finish. So for
> now I have to live with the ant build process.

Great to know you are maven enlightened :)
