
Re: "java.lang.NullPointerException" with SIP Servlet Wizard

From: Rochelle Raccah <Rochelle.Raccah_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 02 Dec 2009 16:54:12 -0800

Thanks for the report

It is fixed and will be in 1.0.43 of the plugin which should be
published sometime next week.


Tong Jun wrote:
> Hi
> When I use SIP Servlet Wizard, I find a problem of NullPointerException.
> Detail steps are as following.
> 1. Start SIP Servlet Wizard. "New"->"Sailfin"->"SIP Servlet".
> 2. Double click "SIP Servlet". The error dialog will be shown.
> Details refer to attachment named "ErrorDialog.gif".
> Detail log see the attachment named ".log".
> If close the error dialog and double click again, it works well.
> --------------------------------------------------
> Tong Jun
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