
Re: compression still mysterious

From: Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 01 Dec 2009 17:27:23 -0800

Hi Felipe,

Thanks for filing this bug. Good catch. I saw developer already
putting comments in this bug.
May be late for v3, but you can get the fix in promote build. Thanks
for using GlassFish in your
presentation, good luck, if you hit any other issue please let us know.

Felipe Gaścho wrote:
> ok, here it is:
> https://glassfish.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=11223
> I noticed that Glassfish admin gui has several CSS files, so it should
> be easy to test that issue with that.. without the need of external
> examples of the problem.
> I have that presentation in January, please fix all bugs before that
> :), specially security and comrpession.......
> * congratulations for the JCP EC approval :)
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