
My first success with GFv3 build 66

From: Wouter van Reeven <wouter_at_van.reeven.nl>
Date: Wed, 7 Oct 2009 16:58:14 +0200

Hi all,

Instead of reporting only failures with GlassFish v3, I'd like to share
my efforts so far to migrate a JEE5 app to JEE6 with this list. In
November the Netherlands Java Users Group will host the JFall conference
and at the conference I'll do a presentation about miograting a JEE5 web
application to JEE6.

So far I have created a JEE5 Enterprise Application using NetBeans
6.7.1 which successfully runs on GlassFish v2.1. When I first deployed
it to GlassFish v3 build 66 I ran into the Oracle language error that
Matthias enquired about a few days ago. Thanks to that discussion I was
able to resolve it. Now it runs perfectly ok on GFv3.

My next stepts will be to get rid of JSP and introduce annotations. Next
I'll add some JEE6 stuff like Bean Validation and WebBeans. So stay
tuned for more success stories!

Thanks, Wouter

Freeze without an answer
Free from all the shame
Must I hide?
Cause I'll never
Never sleep alone
[Mars Volta - The Widow]
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