
b65: transactional JMS - number of messages not checked on subsequent calls?

From: matthias.fraass_at_tricoder.net <matthias.fraass_at_gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 1 Oct 2009 13:59:09 +0200

Hi all,

summary: I think that the imq.transaction.producer.maxNumMsgs is only
checked once after GF start (in the first transaction?) and then never
again. Only the first call fails, subsequent calls that violate this
threshold don't fail.

- GF v3 b65
- JMS Queue "jms/SomeQueue" is configured with "Local" transation support.
- domains\domain1\imq\instances\imqbroker\props\config.properties ->

So I have this restful webservice, which I wrote to check how many messages
per second GF can produce:

public class JMSRestfulWebService
    public String putMessage() throws ...
        System.out.println("called putMessage");

        javax.jms.Connection connection =
        javax.jms.Session session =
        MessageProducer messageProducer = session.createProducer(queue);
        long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
        int i=0;
        long now=0;
            now = System.currentTimeMillis();
            TextMessage message = session.createTextMessage();
            message.setText("Hello, JMS!");
        while ((now-start) < 1000);

        return "JMS produced " + i + " messages in 1s";


and a consuming MDB:

        activationConfig = { @ActivationConfigProperty(
                propertyName = "destinationType", propertyValue =
        ) },
        mappedName = "jms/SomeQueue")
public class SomeMessageDrivenBean implements MessageListener {
    public void onMessage(Message message) {
        System.out.println("Hey! Someone called me @" +


The JMSRestfulWebService above produces about 4300 messages per second. All
within one transaction.
On the first call after GF start via
http://localhost:8080/webservicetest/jms, I get the error message:
> "com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.util.BrokerException: transaction failed:
[B4303]: The maximum number of messages [1.000] that the producer can
process in a single transaction (TID=1467650178062093569) has been exceeded.
Please either limit the # of messages per transaction or increase the
imq.transaction.producer.maxNumMsgs property."

Which is correct.

But on the second call (and from then on), there's no such message and about
4300+ messages are produced and consumed!
When I restart the sever, the same behavior occurs: first call -> exception,
second+ call -> no exception.

I double checked the following things:
- increasing the imq.transaction.producer.maxNumMsgs to 10.000 leads to no
exception at all, which is correct.
- I put the test case in a Session Bean with the same results. So it doesn't
have to do with the RESTful webservice.
- Glassfish v2.1 works correctly (tested with a SessionBean producing the
messages): the exception is thrown every time!

So the imq.transaction.producer.maxNumMsgs *is* checked - but only for the
first transaction?

Best regards,
