Hi all,
In the past weeks I have been preparing a presentation for the Dutch
Java conference JFall 2009. In the presentation I will do a live demo
migrating a JEE5 Web application to JEE6.
In the JEE5 web app I have two Converters to convert an entry from a
drop down list to an Object. They work perfectly ok. However, I have
some troubles getting them to work in JEE6.
I have removed my faces-config as is possible with JEE6. Instead I have
annotated my converters like this
public class ConstellationConverter implements Converter {
<code deleted>
In my xhtml file I have lines like this
<h:outputLabel for="constellation" value="Constellation"/>
<h:selectOneMenu id="constellation" value="#{jf2009mb.newSac.constellation}" converter="constellationConverter">
<f:selectItems value="#{jf2009mb.constellations}"/>
If I omit the converter="constellationConverter" bit I get conversion
errors. However, the constellation member in the newSac object always is
null! There is another member in that same class that also needs a
converter and it also always is null.
Would anyone know what I am doing wrong?
Thanks, Wouter
Veel shit is mest voor de toekomst.
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