
Re: First nightly build for GlassFish Tools Bundle For Eclipse 1.2 is now available: Testing needed...

From: Ludovic Champenois <Ludovic.Champenois_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 26 Oct 2009 07:43:56 -0700

Ludovic Champenois wrote:
> Hi,
> The first nightly build for GlassFish Tools Bundle For Eclipse 1.2 is
> now available. We call it 1.1.3 (no yet 1.2), and make it available
> for early feedback and testing.

Another nightly update (1.1.4) has been posted at

Updated and new Java EE 6 wizards are there, find them in the web app
project popup menu..
The bundle now contains GlassFish v3 b69 and the latest Eclipse plugin
Thanks to all our early testers.

(If you select the installer without the JDK, it is best if you have an
existing JDK 6 in your path).
> It contains:
> * Latest Eclipse 3.5.1 IDE with WTP Java EE support
> * JSF Facelet plugin (from the Eclipse incubator project) to help
> the JSF 2.0 developer
> * Latest GlassFish v3 Java EE 6 Build 67 pre-registered and configured
> * JavaDB sample database pre-registered and configured
> * GlassFish Plugin (1.0.36)
> * Java EE 5 and Java EE 6 Javadoc code completion in the Java Editor
> * MySQL JDBC driver registered to the IDE
> * Maven m2 plugins
> * JAX-WS Metro plugin
> * GlassFish documentation
> * And optionally, a JDK 1.6. update 16
> Compared to the last 1.1 release, we now only bundle and pre-register
> the latest GlassFish v3 bits (but you can still register if needed a
> GlassFish v2.1 or v3 prelude server), and Eclipse 3.5.1 release is
> used. The GlassFish plugin 1.0.36 starts offering some Java EE 6
> wizards (like an EJB wizard for Web Applications, EJB Timer, XHTML for
> Facelet JSF 2.0 support and Servlet 3.0). (See release notes at
> https://ajax.dev.java.net/eclipse/releasenotes.html )
> Installers are available for Windows and MacOSX, and compressed
> IZpack installers for OpenSolaris and Linux systems.
> Download size is very small, thanks to pack200 compression.
> Get it from http://download.java.net/glassfish/eclipse/1.1.3/ and
> give us feedback. The stable 1.2 version will be available soon after
> the release of GlassFish Java EE 6 v3 release.
> The stable 1.1 version is still available at
> http://download.java.net/glassfish/eclipse
> Ludo
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