
Re: error deploying with SecurityManager enabled

From: Felipe Gaścho <fgaucho_at_gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 23 Oct 2009 19:43:54 +0200

asadmin also fails.........

On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 7:40 PM, Anissa Lam <Anissa.Lam_at_sun.com> wrote:
> Hi Felipe,
> I am not sure how other parts of the server behaves when security manager is
> turned on.   However,  for Admin GUI, this is a known issue and will be
> fixed before HCF.
> https://glassfish.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=10321
> can't launch gui after turn on security manager
> thanks
> Anissa.
> Felipe Gaścho wrote:
> b69 not even worked with the SecurityManager enabled ... when I try
> localhost:4848 I see a blank page :(
> is it right ? security is not included in the newest glassfish v3?
> 2009/10/23 Felipe Gaścho <fgaucho_at_gmail.com>:
> After enabling the security manager, I got the follogin error trying
> to deploy my application:
>     [exec] com.sun.enterprise.admin.cli.CommandException: remote
> failure: Error during deployment : java/lang/StringBuilder :
> java.lang.ClassCircularityError: java/lang/StringBuilder
> the command:
>     asadmin --user $ASADMIN_USER deploy --force=true --name arena-puj
> target/arena-puj.ear
> with b68
> * I will upgrade to b69 now............
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