
Re: installation on ubuntu

From: Snjezana Sevo-Zenzerovic <Snjezana.Sevo-Zenzerovic_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 01 Oct 2009 11:06:15 -0700

This is in fact known issue - fact that our SQE is not seeing the issue
may be related to the use of different desktop environment. I'll send
out IssueTracker ID as soon as I manage to get to IssueTracker query page.

FWIW, Sathyan was in the process of removing the part of the desktop
integration code which is causing the issue so I think that it might be
resolved in this week's promotion. Also, since the failure happens
during the last configuration step, resulting installation is perfectly
usable provided that there were no other, unrelated, failures.



Judy Tang wrote:
> Hi Johan,
> It is so nice to have you in the FishCAT team. Thanks for letting us
> know this issue. I checked and SQE seems not
> seeing this issue. Please file a bug and provide OS version
> (8.04/9.04?)), KDE version , JDK version, and steps to reproduce.
> I know you have filed a few bugs even before we started FishCAT,
> thanks for all the testing !
> Judy
> Johan Vos wrote:
>> Hi,
>> When I run glassfish-v3-preview-b59-unix.sh on an Ubuntu system with
>> KDE, the installer stops at 97% and the following exception is thrown
>> (I am pretty sure this is a known issue)
>> Installation is succesful though, everything works fine. So instead
>> of printing the Exception while the UI installer "hangs", I think it
>> is better to have no desktop icon and a graceful shutdown of the
>> installer.
>> Exception in thread "Thread-32" java.lang.NullPointerException
>> at
>> org.openinstaller.util.desktopintegration.LocalDesktop.createShortcuts(LocalDesktop.java:89)
>> at
>> org.openinstaller.provider.conf.ConfigProvider.receiveRequest(ConfigProvider.java:642)
>> at
>> org.openinstaller.bus.ControlBus.publishRequest(ControlBus.java:341)
>> at
>> org.openinstaller.provider.task.InstallImageConfigTask.perform(InstallImageConfigTask.java:94)
>> at
>> org.openinstaller.provider.task.TaskDriver.executeTask(TaskDriver.java:691)
>> at
>> org.openinstaller.provider.task.TaskProvider.receiveRequest(TaskProvider.java:117)
>> at org.openinstaller.bus.ControlBus$3.run(ControlBus.java:404)
>> at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:619)
>> - Johan
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