
Re: WAR DeploymentContext needing EJBs o_O ?

From: Hong Zhang <Hong.Zhang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 16 Oct 2009 09:21:04 -0400

> Thanks Paul for letting us know. It is great to see your app deployed
> fine !
> "I had to hunt because the log message do not tell from which jar the
> manifest came from. ", if you have any
> good suggestion please help us log an enhancement.

Yeah, if you still have the log message, please send it. We will see if
we could improve that message by adding the jar information.

- Hong

> Happy FishCATting :-)
> Judy
> Paul MERLIN wrote:
>>Hello Hong,
>>I found the issue. acme-web-war-0_9_0-SNAPSHOT_war contains a Java Web Start that accidentaly had an ejb-jar in its
>>dependencies (!!) so there was a jar file containing a @Stateless class located in the acme-web-war-0_9_0-
>>SNAPSHOT_war directory. Glassfish v2 just ignored the jar files present at a WAR's root.
>>All theses changes forced me to clean our packaging up. It's a good thing.
>>So ... youhou! ... I finally deployed our app without errors in gf3 ! \o/
>>I noticed some warnings in logs, complaining about jar files not found. After a little hunt I found that one of our
>>dependencies have a manifest with a Class-Path entry. This is a "lib jar" so we never noticed that.
>>I had to hunt because the log message do not tell from which jar the manifest came from.
>>Le mercredi 14 octobre 2009 15:56:39, Hong Zhang a écrit :
>>>Hi, Paul
>>> Somehow it thinks acme-web-war-0_9_0-SNAPSHOT_war is a ejb jar also,
>>>what's the contents of this war?
>>>- Hong
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