
Re: PWC1420: Error invoking ServletContainerInitializer org.apache.jasper.runtime.TldScanner

From: Jan Luehe <Jan.Luehe_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 01 Oct 2009 09:49:46 -0700

On 10/01/09 06:03, Cay Horstmann wrote:
> I'd love to file a bug, but I don't have enough information yet to
> file something specific and reproducible. It is unfortunate that the
> logging information is so very poor. I hope to get further with the
> next patch.

The fix should be present in the nightly build and also the upcoming
promoted build (b66).
If you could resume your test with any of these builds and get us the
detailed stacktrace from
TldScanner, that would be great!

Thanks, Cay!


> Judy Tang wrote:
>> Wow, Jan, you have a fix already, so fast, thanks !
>> Hi Cay, Would you like to file a bug, each bug will get 5 CAT
>> points, this is a way to show our appreciation and a way to have some
>> fun :-)
>> Thanks,
>> Judy