
Re: [FishCAT] Please start testing b67, Thanks !

From: Snjezana Sevo-Zenzerovic <Snjezana.Sevo-Zenzerovic_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 12 Oct 2009 14:14:33 -0700

OK, fair question :-) The reason we decided to do this was on far more
prosaic level, although I hope that someone will comment on your
question regarding OSGi capabilities. In some cases, update of an IPS
package would involve removal of the existing file (either the file got
removed from the distribution, or it has moved into a different
directory, or it has been renamed). If such a file was in use during the
update, update would fail on Windows platform due to Windows file lock
mechanism. Given that providing different Admin GUI implementation based
on OS was not particularly good option either, we decided to make the
Admin GUI update functionality "read only" across the platforms and
defer updates/package uninstallations to pkg and updatetool. In the
future releases we should be able to get this to work by forcing the
server restart in order to update the files, Windows update style, but
it was too late for that in this release.

Back to OSGi - I believe that Alexis played with upgrade quite a lot and
in some instances he reportedly had to clean up OSGi cache directory
before being able to restart the server which may mean that things are
not yet completely seamless on OSGi update level either.



Wouter van Reeven wrote:
> I find this thread intriguing. Isn't GlassFish built on OSGi which
> should be capable of loading newer versions of modules on the fly? Why
> isn't it working? Sorry to put salt into any wounds. I'm just trying to
> be interested.
> Wouter
> On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 12:35:33PM -0700, Snjezana Sevo-Zenzerovic wrote:
>> Sorry, I was not very clear... In build 67, update installation
>> functionality is already removed from the Admin GUI in a sense that you
>> can see and review available updates, but not install them - you are
>> asked to shutdown the server and use pkg/updatetool to apply them...
>> You can still use update section of Admin GUI to install new addon
>> components though, but all existing packages are treated as "read only"
>> - you cannot update them or uninstall them anymore and you need to use
>> other two tools to do that.
>> Thanks,
>> Snjezana
>> Felipe Gaúcho wrote:
>>> humm.. nice to know..
>>> * please - if possible - to remove this option from the GUI :)
>>> On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 9:28 PM, Snjezana Sevo-Zenzerovic
>>> <Snjezana.Sevo-Zenzerovic_at_sun.com> wrote:
>>>> Note that starting with build 67 we actually disabled the ability to apply
>>>> product updates via Admin Console since applying updates to running server
>>>> was not working very reliably.
>>>> So, please use either pkg command or updatetool to apply updates. Note that
>>>> it is also good idea to stop the server before applying updates, especially
>>>> on Windows...
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Snjezana
>>>> Felipe Gaúcho wrote:
>>>>> It may be of course a local problem.. and I already unzipped the b67
>>>>> and everything is working fine again.. but if later someone would try
>>>>> to repoduce:
>>>>> 1) install b66
>>>>> 2) deploy some applications (Hudson for example)
>>>>> 3) go the the Admin Console / Available Updates
>>>>> 4) Check all available updates
>>>>> 5) Install.....
>>>>> then restart the server...
>>>>> I did it under Linux Ubuntu.. and it failed.. I didn't had time to
>>>>> trace all details to be sure it is really a distribution problem or
>>>>> just a local problem..
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