
Re: Review Application Deployment Guide (part 2 of 3)

From: Gail Risdal <Gail.Risdal_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 12 Oct 2009 10:08:56 -0700

Thanks, Manfred! Great review and comments.


Manfred Riem wrote:

> Hi there,
> Part 2 of the review. Big document ;)
> Page 61
> 1. TBW - I guess content is missing here?
> 2. Data Source - Isn't the data source lookup also aliased to the
> global JNDI name?
> Page 66
> 1. Nothing is explicitly mentioned about needing a local extracted
> installation
> of Glassfish if you want to run appclient script. It is assumed
> here by
> mentioning as-install/bin directory. Maybe a bit of clarification
> is needed
> on that. Only the webstart scenario does not require prior
> configuration of
> the client machine.
> Page 67
> 1. See previous comment.
> Page 68
> 1. Please explain the remark since if it is different between
> cluster and
> non-cluster operation that should be made apparent.
> Page 71
> 1. TBD - I assume this needs to be filled in.
> Page 72
> 1. "or" after list-applications(1) needs to be removed.
> 2. TBD - I assume this needs to be filled in.
> 3. tbw - I assume these need to be filled in as well.
> Page 73
> 1. Is it still true that every descriptor file has a DTD, or are
> there descriptor
> files that use a schema?
> Page 82
> 1. What equivalency mapping are we talking about here? Is there a
> table/list
> for these?
> Page 95
> 1. Missing space in isUSERNAME_PASSWORD.
> Page 105, 106, 107
> 1. Maybe it is wise to move the not implemented elements into the
> end so it becomes
> very apparent they are no longer / not supported / not
> implemented?
> Page 108
> 1. Is the delegate value really ignored? This will cause a lot of
> problems with
> customers that rely on this behavior. If this is the case it
> should be mentioned
> very prominently in the release notes with this release!
> Page 116
> 1. What are the commit options? And why is A not supported?
> Page 121
> 1. What are the properties for version 7? And how can those be
> rewritten for this
> version, so they can migrate away from using them?
> Regards,
> Manfred
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COM [mailto:Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COM]
> Sent: Friday, October 09, 2009 6:09 PM
> To: quality_at_glassfish.dev.java.net
> Subject: Re: Review Application Deployment Guide (part 1 of 3)
> Would also like to add my thanks to Manfred. Looking forward to read
> your part 2 and 3,
> very valuable input !
> Thanks,
> Judy
> Gail Risdal wrote:
>>Thanks, Manfred! Appreciate your thorough review and attention to docs.
>>Manfred Riem wrote:
>>>Application Deployment Guide
>>>Page 30
>>>1. Why not also include Java EE 6 Tutorial II here also (like
>>>in the Quick Start Guide).
>>>Page 36
>>>1. 1 JSR 88 Deployment is a deployment mechanism implemented
>>>based on the JSR 88 standard
>>>from jcp.org. It delivers vendor neutral deployment options.
>>>2. Degradation will most definitely be there.
>>>Page 37
>>>1. How is the rolling upgrade done? Is that explained later in
>>>the document?
>>>2. Does each deployment descriptor have a DTD or are there now
>>>descriptors that use a schema?
>>>"Each deployment descriptor XML file has a corresponding Document
>>>Type Definition (DTD) file"
>>>Page 44
>>>1. "In this case, the administrator edits and reassembles the
>>>archive." Isn't it better to use a
>>>deployment plan instead of editing the WAR/EAR/RAR?
>>>Page 45
>>>1. "Sun Glassfish Enterprise Server v3 Preview Reference
>>>Manual" I assume the "Preview" part
>>>needs to be dropped here?
>>>Page 55
>>>1. Is "JRuby" a valid type for the server?
>>>Page 58
>>>1. "Note - This task is best suited for use in a development
>>>environment." I don't think that is the
>>>case here. A deployment plan looks to me like a good candidate for
>>>production deployments.
>>>Page 60
>>>1. TBW - I guess content is missing here?
>>>These are today's pages.
>>>*From:* Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COM [mailto:Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COM]
>>>*Sent:* Thursday, October 01, 2009 5:20 PM
>>>*To:* quality_at_glassfish.dev.java.net
>>>*Subject:* More GlassFish v3 documents for review
>>>Hi All,
>>>The following GlassFish v3 documents have priority for review. Please
>>>review these first. Looking
>>>forward to get your review feedback !
>>> * Administration Guide click
>>> * Quick Start Guide (unbundled version; /if possible, reviews needed
>>> by October 6, 2009/) click
>>> * Application Development Guide (formerly Developer's Guide) click
>>> * Application Deployment Guide click
> <http://wiki.glassfish.java.net/attach/ApplicationDeplyomentGuide/SJSASEEADG
> .pdf>
>>>[1] Doc review rule:
>>>Happy Reviewing :-)
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