
EJB lookup problem.

From: Felipe Gaścho <fgaucho_at_gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 10 Oct 2009 11:03:19 +0200

OK, I fixed my configuration problems and I could run my build script
.. it created the resources in the GF v3b66 - well done so far...

but it failed to deploy the application due to a strange error:

[exec] deploying arena-puj.ear
[exec] com.sun.enterprise.admin.cli.CommandException: remote failure:
Exception while deploying the app : java.lang.RuntimeException: Cannot
resolve reference Remote ejb-ref
3.x interface =com.kenai.puj.arena.model.entity.utils.URLObfuscator,ejb-link=null,lookup=null,mappedName=,jndi-name=,refType=Session
because there are 2 ejbs in the application with interface

The same application works fine with the v2.1, so now I am looking for
the root of the problem (that eventually can be in the GF 2.1 anyway)

I committed the updated script, and it only works if I remove the
~/.asadminpass .. I couldn't understand this but at least it worked...