
Review Application Deployment Guide (part 1 of 3)

From: Manfred Riem <mriem_at_manorrock.org>
Date: Thu, 8 Oct 2009 22:10:04 -0600

Application Deployment Guide


Page 30

1. Why not also include Java EE 6 Tutorial II here also (like in the
Quick Start Guide).


Page 36

1. 1 JSR 88 Deployment is a deployment mechanism implemented based on
the JSR 88 standard
from jcp.org. It delivers vendor neutral deployment options.

2. Degradation will most definitely be there.


Page 37

1. How is the rolling upgrade done? Is that explained later in the

2. Does each deployment descriptor have a DTD or are there now
descriptors that use a schema?
"Each deployment descriptor XML file has a corresponding Document Type
Definition (DTD) file"


Page 44

1. "In this case, the administrator edits and reassembles the
archive." Isn't it better to use a
deployment plan instead of editing the WAR/EAR/RAR?


Page 45

1. "Sun Glassfish Enterprise Server v3 Preview Reference Manual" I
assume the "Preview" part
needs to be dropped here?


Page 55

1. Is "JRuby" a valid type for the server?


Page 58

1. "Note - This task is best suited for use in a development
environment." I don't think that is the
case here. A deployment plan looks to me like a good candidate for
production deployments.


Page 60

1. TBW - I guess content is missing here?



These are today's pages.




From: Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COM [mailto:Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COM]
Sent: Thursday, October 01, 2009 5:20 PM
To: quality_at_glassfish.dev.java.net
Subject: More GlassFish v3 documents for review


Hi All,

The following GlassFish v3 documents have priority for review. Please review
these first. Looking
forward to get your review feedback !

* Administration Guide click
* Quick Start Guide (unbundled version; if possible, reviews needed by
October 6, 2009) click
* Application Development Guide (formerly Developer's Guide) click
* Application Deployment Guide click

[1] Doc review rule:

Happy Reviewing :-)