
Re: Please tell me how to use GFv3 b65 from NB6.5

From: Jack Sparrow <jacksparrow602_at_gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 26 Sep 2009 01:29:00 +0900

Hi Ludo and Jason

I could resolve the problem by your favor thanks.
And I tried to migrate my web-service application.
The application works on the GlassFish v2.1.
The migration of endpoint is very easy, but client applcation is not.
We must regeneration the Web Service Client from wsdl.

So I build and deploy the Web Service Application WAR file after
regenerated the Web Service Client from my wsdl.
It works !

It should be carefully in this situation.

2009/9/26 Jack Sparrow <jacksparrow602_at_gmail.com>:
> Hi Ludo and Jason
> Great thanks for your quickly answering !
> I will get the NB6.8 M1 at the drop of a hat, and start to create
> sample applications.
> 2009/9/26 Jack Sparrow <jacksparrow602_at_gmail.com>:
>>> Well, I'm not sure "cannot" is entirely accurate.  If you're hoping
>>> for deploy, undeploy, etc from the IDE, then that's correct.  However,
>>> if you don't mind managing the server outside your IDE (Admin Console,
>>> asadmin, etc), then you can start and stop the server using the CLI,
>>> deploy using the console or CLI, then attach NetBean's debugger to a
>>> remote process (port 9009, but you must enable debugging via the Admin
>>> Console, CLI, etc).  You can then use your application, and have
>>> NetBeans stop the execution at your break points as you would expect.
>>>  I used this approach with 6.5 and earlier, and continue to do so,
>>> actually, with nightly NetBeans builds.  Old habits and all... :)
>> Sure, gf v3 is a jvm process, so all things apply there (would even work
>> with NetBeans 3.0 maybe :-)
>> Ludo
> --
> Thanks
> Jack
