
XADataSource configuration misbehaviour?

From: Kristian Rink <rink_at_planconnect.de>
Date: Thu, 17 Sep 2009 11:00:53 +0200


stumbled across the behaviour outlined in the screenshot attached:

- Chose to do JDBC -> "Add new JDBC Connection Pool".

- In Step 1, chose a pool of Resource Type "...XADataSource".

- In Step 2, however (screenshot), the field to enter the class implementing
XADataSource is disabled but I can input things to the "Driver" class field.
Subsequently, the connection fails at first.

- Looking to the "Connection Pools" after creating, however, I see "Step 2"
the way it should be, the "right" field enabled but empty and the "wrong"
field filled yet disabled. By then, I can complete my Pool configuration and
it will correctly work out in the end.

Known issue? Worth filing one?
Cheers and all the best,

Dipl.-Ing.(BA) Kristian Rink * Software- und Systemingenieur
planConnect GmbH * Könneritzstr. 33 * 01067 Dresden
fon: 0351 215 203 71 * cell: 0176 2447 2771 * mail: rink_at_planconnect.de
Amtsgericht Dresden HRB: 20 015 * St.-Nr. FA DD I 201 / 116 / 05360
Geschäftsführer: Stefan Voß, Karl Stierstorfer

(image/jpeg attachment: xadatasource.jpg)

(image/jpeg attachment: xadatasource2.jpg)