
I started the fishcat testing program three days ago.

From: Jack Sparrow <jacksparrow602_at_gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 29 Sep 2009 00:43:59 +0900

Hi Judy

How are you doing?

I started the fishcat testing program three days ago.

First senario is migration of my web service application from GFv2.1 to GFv3.
It works but I found two problems.
One of the problem is web service client.
It needs to regenerate the web service client stab with wsgen.
I think that GFv3 bundles the metro version is different from GFv2.1 may be.
Another of the problem is generated web service stab compling error.
It may be problem of NB6.8 M1.

Second senario is migration of my web application with "JTA" from
GFv2.1 to GFv3.
Initial context factory class is failed to load.
It may be changed the class. (issue 9793)
Now I'm waiting for answering of this problem.

Today (tue 29/9/2009 at JST) I will test for async servlet.
I'm very interested in this specification.
I want to create the async web application.
