
Re: Thanks for Glassfish!

From: Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 14 May 2009 09:20:23 -0700

Thanks Pushkala so much for your positive feedback. GlassFish team
feels good to be
able to help students. I would like to include your input in our
CommunityOne BOF
and we will look forward to meeting you and all your classmates in the
and JavaOne. This is a big Java event and students can learn a lot, one
day you
will be on the stage to give a talk !

Let me cc to quality alias to share your feedback :-)


Pushkala Raman wrote:
> Hi Judy,
> I am student of SJSU working on Glassfish project. We
> completed the automation testing yesterday and were reflecting on our
> learnings. Thanks for exposing us to the testing process of Glassfish,
> we learnt a lot from our mistakes, be it the importance of saving the
> log files or providing all important details for development team or
> not raising duplicate bugs (in issue tracker).
> I am sure this experience will go a long way in helping us in our
> career.We are looking forward to attending the JavaOne sesssion on
> Glassfish. Thanks for kindling our interest on this.
> We completed the automation testing of build 44 of
> Glassfish. We found all the bugs that we found during manual testing
> (build b28c)fixed in this build. My team will update the issue tracker
> with the recent testing results. Working with glassfish was very
> indulging and we learnt something new about it in every phase of our
> project.
> Thanks again for this
> oppurtunity.
> -Pushkala