
Re: Invitation to Glassfish EA localization program

From: Shinya Ogino <Shinya.Ogino_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 08 May 2009 16:33:34 +0900

Hi Judy,

Yes, I hope many people to try l10n zip bundle and give us feedback. It
is really easy to try out.


It currently has asadmin and admingui UI translated into German,
Spanish, French, Japanese, Korean, Simplified and Traditional Chinese.

We are also looking for anyone who is interested in adding his/her own


Judy Tang wrote:
> Hi Ming and Shinya,
> This is a great program to involve community to test GlassFish in
> his/her own language. Hope
> we get many people to join.
> Thanks !
> Judy
> Shinya Ogino wrote:
>> Also inviting people in quality community.
>> All the details about program are on this page.
>> http://wiki.glassfish.java.net/Wiki.jsp?page=V3EAL10nProgram
>> thanks,
>> Shinya
>> Ming Dong wrote:
>>> Hi Everyone,
>>> Glassfish v3 is scheduled to be released in Sept. 2009. To help you
>>> get an early access (EA) of this new product in your own language, we
>>> plan the community project to localize the Glassfish EA program. We
>>> invite you to join us in this effort. The instructions and related
>>> information for participation, translation and testing are provided
>>> on the Glassfish G11n wiki page:
>>> http://wiki.glassfish.java.net/Wiki.jsp?page=G11n Please go through
>>> the* General Information *and* How to Get Started *first, then review
>>> the process in project 1 (v3 EA software translation) and project 2
>>> (Testing). We have designed an online translation tool called (CTI
>>> <https://cti.sunvirtuallab.com/community/>) which leverages our past
>>> GlassFish translations (huge amount!). You will find the tool very
>>> helpful and easy to use. We also created test cases and provide bug
>>> fixing information to assist your testing. We welcome you all to
>>> participate in this exciting project and make your contribution to
>>> Glassfish v3 program.
>>> If you have any questions, please let us know using the G11n
>>> community alias <mailto:g11n_at_glassfish.dev.java.net>
>>> Ming Dong
>>> Glassfish Globalization Team
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