
Re: FishCAT Meetup at CommunityOne, please sign up to join !

From: Wouter van Reeven <wouter_at_van.reeven.nl>
Date: Thu, 7 May 2009 07:59:42 +0200

Hi all,

Yes, Judy and I will be presenting this session and we would very much like to
meet all of you. Please note that the presentation will be held during
CommunityOne, a less official conference day immediately before JavaOne.
Admission to this day is free! So, if you're attending JavaOne, or living close
to San Francisco, sign up for the day and register for our presentation. Hope to
see you there!

Greets, Wouter

On Wed, May 06, 2009 at 05:27:05PM -0700, Judy Tang wrote:
> *Dear GlassFish Friends and Community Members, *
> We GlassFish Quality Community (GFQC
> <https://glassfish.dev.java.net/quality/portal/>) cordially invite you
> to attend a session
> <http://developers.sun.com/events/communityone/2009/west/sessions.jsp>
> titled "FishCAT, or How the Community Helps Improve Software Quality" at
> CommunityOne <http://developers.sun.com/events/communityone/2009/west/>.
> We will have a big FishCAT Party
> <http://blogs.sun.com/judy/entry/fishcat_meetup_communityone> to meet
> our FishCAT members, Students and
> many more community members.
> *Please join us by:*
> (1) Register to CommunityOne:
> http://developers.sun.com/events/communityone/2009/west/
> (2) Submit the form below. The first 100 submitters will get a surprise
> gift:
> https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=cG9wbEpTejZjbklBY2xiS2RaYmpoUnc6MA
> *When: *June 1st, 2009, 11:00 AM
> *Where:* Moscone Center in San Francisco, California
> 747 Howard St
> San Francisco, CA 94103
> Thank You, and look forward to seeing you,
> Judy
> http://blogs.sun.com/judy/resource/glassfish-proof2_s.jpg

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