
Re: GlassFish v3 .updatetool Directory Configuration

From: Tom Mueller <Tom.Mueller_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 01 May 2009 17:09:07 -0500

The code that looks for that directory is using the user.home Java
system property. So if you can change your GlassFish configuration file
to set user.home to something reasonable (maybe the install root for
glassfish?), then the code should work.

Please file a glassfish bug on this, as something is calling this method
and not catching the IOException properly. I checked the UC code that
calls that method, and in each case, the exception is caught, and error
message is logged and a reasonable value is returned, i.e., the
Exception is not propagated. But it is possible that the same code is
called from elsewhere without that processing.


Christopher Kampmeier wrote:
> Hi Matthew,
> I'm ccing the UC dev project team and the GF v3 quality aliases for
> consideration of the issue.
> Thanks,
> Chris
> Matthew Montgomery wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> So far I have come up empty in various searches on this. I have need
>> to run GlassFish v3 as the webservd user. By default, this user does
>> not have a home directory. A fresh install of GF v3 from the .zip
>> file produces the following error since this user can't write to the
>> specified directory.
>> [#|2009-05-01T21:02:21.604+0000|SEVERE|sun-glassfish|com.sun.pkg.client.SystemInfo|_ThreadID=13;_ThreadName=Thread-3;|The
>> log message is null.
>> java.io.IOException: Unable to access properties: mkdirs() failed:
>> //.updatetool
>> I looked around for a config option but so far I haven't found
>> anything. Is there a way to set this directory?
>> --
>> Matthew Montgomery
>> Web Engineering
>> Sun Microsystems, Inc.
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