
[SJSU] Error in Keep Alive tab

From: Ayan Shah <ayanshah999_at_yahoo.co.in>
Date: Mon, 13 Apr 2009 23:25:29 +0530 (IST)


I am using Mozilla Firefox, Windows Vista and build 44 of Glassfish V3 for testing.
In the Admin GUI, I found an error in the following.

1)Go to Configuration > HTTP Service > Keep Alive tab.
2) Remove all the values from the fields.
3) Click on Save(i.e. try to save the blank values)

When you click on save, an exception is thrown but I think it is not handled and hence it shows "HTTP Status 500" error message. I have attached the screenshots for this.
The first file"Before saving" shows the Keep alive tab with empty values.
The Second file "After saving" shows the screentshot of the error message.

Does this qualify as a bug?


(image/jpeg attachment: before_saving.jpg)

(image/jpeg attachment: after_saving.jpg)