
Re: (IMPORTANT) please follow bug filing procedure

From: Anissa Lam <Anissa.Lam_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 16 Apr 2009 12:59:06 -0700

I second that.

Please use your common sense when filing bugs.

Last night, a student filed 43 Admin GUI issues, all of them are
either duplicate, no clear description of what is wrong, not
reproducible or invalid. It takes both QA and Eng. hours to clean
that up late last night, only to find yet another similar batch come in.
Judy has send several guidelines and there are umbrella bug available
for adding comments. PLEASE follow the guidelines.


Snjezana Sevo-Zenzerovic wrote:
> Plea from frustrated and swamped GF engineer:
> * Please go through existing bug list before filing your issue. Time I
> am spending evaluating and closing issues which are very obvious
> duplicates of existing issues could be much better used fixing some of
> genuine issues.
> * Consider filing umbrella bugs for similar issues or issues that are
> likely to have the same root cause. For instance, if you cannot
> install several packages from Admin GUI, you don't have to file
> separate issue for each one of them.
> Thank you.
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