
RE: [performance] [pkg vs update tool GUI] response time difference between pkg command and update tool GUI

From: Karen Ho <hokar_at_hotmail.com>
Date: Wed, 15 Apr 2009 09:55:24 -0700

Hi Tom,


Thanks for the explanation, I think it explains the difference. I will try
to test more and include the time for the installation plan for the update
tool GUI in the future. If there are still a significant difference or any
other problems related to this issue, I will let you know at that time.


Thanks & Regards,



From: Tom.Mueller_at_Sun.COM [mailto:Tom.Mueller_at_Sun.COM]
Sent: Wednesday, April 15, 2009 6:56 AM
To: quality_at_glassfish.dev.java.net; hokar_at_hotmail.com;
Subject: Re: [performance] [pkg vs update tool GUI] response time difference
between pkg command and update tool GUI



Can you please provide the details of what packages were involved in the

By starting the timing for updatetool installation after the license dialog,
the test is not including the time for constructing the installation plan.
However, the method for measuring the CLI is always including the time for
constructing the plan. So if plan construction takes quite a bit of time,
that could explain the difference.

Same with remove. The uninstall plan is created before the remove
confirmation dialog, so by starting the timing after the OK button on that
dialog is clicked, the time for constructing the plan is not included.

The plan construction is the phase where dependencies are evaluated. If the
packages that you are installing have many dependencies, plan construction
can take a significant amount of time relative to the rest of the
install/remove, especially if the downloaded files are already cached in the
image so that they don't have to be downloaded again.


Karen Ho wrote:



I found an interesting scenario when comparing the response time of
installing / removing components with pkg command and the update tool GUI.


When I try to install / remove the same set of components (set of 3) with
both the update tool GUI and the pkg command, the elapsed time are similar
(based on several trials). However, when I try to install / remove a
SINGLE component with both the update tool GUI and the pkg command, the
elapsed time resulting from the pkg command is always longer (roughly 3
times longer) than the elapsed time resulting from the update tool GUI.


The way I timed for different actions:


- for install: start after accepting the license term

- for remove: start after pressing the "OK" button to confirm the removal
of the selected component


- for both install and remove: simply time the whole pkg command call
(i.e. add a time flag before and after the pkg command call)


I have tested using 2 different single component and recorded at least 5
processing time for each of them for both pkg and GUI tool. They all have
similar result (i.e. update tool GUI is roughly 3 times faster than pkg
command for SINGLE component installation / removal)


Is it a bug or because the update tool GUI has pre-run some processes /
cached something before the remove / install so that it can run faster than
pkg command? If that's the case, why is that remove / install with MULTIPLE
components does not have this problem? I am really not sure if my findings
are just coincidence or what. Should I file an issue for it?



Thanks & Regards,
