
FishCAT for Eclipse Plugin Testing Status (March19 - April01)

From: Davis Nguyen <Davis.Nguyen_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 02 Apr 2009 18:05:10 -0700

        We would like to thank everyone who participates in the FishCAT
        program for testing GlassFish Eclipse Plugin. Your work is
        highly appreciated.

        We have 11 people from community joined the FishCAT for Eclipse
        Plugin testing. Big welcome and thank you to all the members.

        Testing Results (3/19 - 4/1):

    * Total builds tested: 11
    * Total bug/ref logged: 20 (1 P2, 14 P3, 4 P4, 1 REF) click
    * Bugs which were highly appreciated from Developers & iTeam Members
          o 59
            GF Eclipse plugin : Exception in thread "main"
            java.lang.RuntimeException: the domain directory is not a
          o 143
            error on creating server of GlassFish V2.1 java EE5
          o 142
            Invalid default port number for domain creation in plugin 0.9.1
          o 155
            Cannot create a GF JDBC Resource from Eclipse : project is
            not selectable
          o 154
            Wrong error message : "timeout" but not really one
          o 112
            During deployment to gfv3 bad unexpected username and
            password message

        Top Filers:

    * toking79 (6), survivant (5), lns (5), tomsquest (3)
    * Again, thanks everyone for filing issues, posting questions and
      also answering them.
    * Also Thanks Ludo, Rochelle, NextB Developers and J2EE Quality
      Developers for fixing bugs and helping to answer questions on the
      quality forum

      Current Latest build is 255
      <http://download.java.net/glassfish/eclipse/>, please continue to
      download and report the problem

Please go here
<http://wiki.glassfish.java.net/Wiki.jsp?page=EclipsePlugin>to visit the
FishCAT for Eclipse GlassFish Plugin Quality Website
