
start-domain timeout issue - solution

From: Sankar Neelakandan <Sankar.Neelakandan_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 02 Apr 2009 09:52:03 -0700

Hi All,
       If you are facing the start-domain timeout issue please check you
system CLASSPATH environment variable and remove if there are any ""
around the value. I have filed a bug to resolve it, IT #

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>set | grep CLASSPATH
CLASSPATH="C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_05\lib\ext\QTJava.zip"

C:\Documents and
Domain (domain1) did not respond in 90 seconds. It means it is still
coming up
or it has failed to come up. Check server.log for details.

Now removing the "" around the CLASSPATH value solves the issue

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>set CLASSPATH=C:\Program

C:\Documents and
Name of the domain started: [domain1] and
its location:
Admin port for the domain: [4848].


Gurnoorinder Singh wrote:
> i got this same error......but i am still not out of it...
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* "jaymin_b_shah_at_yahoo.co.in" <jaymin_b_shah_at_yahoo.co.in>
> *To:* quality_at_glassfish.dev.java.net
> *Sent:* Thursday, March 26, 2009 6:32:46 PM
> *Subject:* Issue for a bug
> Hello,
> I just downloaded the latest version of GlassFish(ZIP File)
> from http://download.java.net/glassfish/v3/promoted/ from March
> 26,2009 build and when I start the localhost, it is showing me that
> Domain (domain1) did not respond in 90 seconds. It means it is still
> coming up
> or it has failed to come up. Check server.log for details.
> But when I checked it with the web browser, it was working properly.
> And the command window is still showing me the same message. So, is it
> a bug?
> I have attached screen shots in the word file.
> Thank you.
> Jaimin
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