
Re: [Problem]Spring In Glassfish

From: vince kraemer <Vince.Kraemer_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Sun, 08 Mar 2009 21:28:54 -0700

Hi Mike,

The problem that you are referring to was due to the fact that the
Security manager was enabled by default when the blog entries were
written. The default state (on or off) of the SM was changed very early
in the v1 development cycle... (to OFF)... due to the errors that Matt
and Jerome encountered.

Note: if the 'turn on the SM' you will run into issues similar to those
discussed in the blogs entries...

Since blogs are not 'documentation' in the formal sense, you have to
consider their age as you read their content.

The blog entries you cite were about experiences with a server that
existed a couple years ago... that was changing on a daily basis...

that said, I am gald to hear that you are making progress with Spring on GF.


Judy Tang wrote:
> Hi Mike,
> Thanks for the clarify. I got you. Let's wait for some time for others
> to jump in.
> Judy
> Tang Yong wrote:
>> Hi Judy,
>> Reply is late and I am sorry.
>>> I wonder if you know the bug
>>> id or can give us what kind error you see, so we know how to help you.
>> Judy, I find the problem related SecurityManagement by means of
>> Matt's blog(http://jroller.com/page/raible?entry=why_glassfish_isn_t_as).
>> Vkraemer also knowed the problem.
>> I want to confirm the problem in Glassfish V2.1, but I have not found the
>> problem. So I make the two conclusions:
>> 1) whether I understood the problem incorrectly?
>> 2) the problem is fixed in Glassfish V xxx?
>> To be regret, I can not give you more info.
>> Regards!
>> --Mike Tang.