
Re: [SJSU] auto deployment error?

From: Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2009 21:21:20 -0700

Thanks Tim. Your answer is great help to encourage students to expend
the testing. Good job Karen !


Tim Quinn wrote:
> Hi, Karen.
> The autodeployer is indeed intended to respond dynamically to changes
> in its enabled/disabled state, both ways.
> It would be interesting to know what happens if you replaced your
> steps 11 and 12 with:
> 11. Copy the hello.war into the autodeploy directory.
> At that point, with the autodeployer re-enabled, I expect it would
> have detected the newly-added file and deployed the app.
> We'd need to look at this to be sure, but the autodeployer might clear
> its internal recordkeeping when it is disabled and then re-enabled.
> We could look at modifying the autodeployer so it re-examines the
> directory upon re-enable if we think this is an important enough
> problem. If you think the autodeployer should be changed along these
> lines please open an issue.
> Thanks.
> - Tim
> Karen Ho wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am not sure if this is a bug or not, please kindly help to verify.
>> 1. Start the Admin Console
>> 2. Check the auto deploy setting in “Application Server” ->
>> “Advanced” tab, it is enabled. Now try to copy the hello.war into the
>> autodeploy folder
>> 3. Hello.war is successfully deployed after 1 or 2 seconds
>> 4. Disable the auto deploy in “Application Server” -> select
>> “Advanced” tab
>> 5. Undeploy the hello application with Admin Console
>> 6. Remove the hello.war and hello.war_deployed and
>> .autodeploystatus\hello.war files from the auto deploy folder
>> 7. Copy the hello.war file to the auto deploy folder again
>> 8. It won’t deploy which is expected. So I delete the hello.war file
>> from the auto deploy folder
>> 9. Now, enable the auto deploy setting in “Application Server” ->
>> “Advanced” tab again. Repeat step 7 above. Hello.war file is not
>> deployed no matter how long I wait.
>> 10. Remove the hello.war file from auto deploy folder
>> 11. Stop the domin and start it again
>> 12. Re-check the auto deploy setting, it is enabled. Repeat step 7
>> again, now the hello.war is deployed.
>> Question: Since I found that disabling the auto deploy flag does not
>> require domain restart to take effect, therefore I also think that
>> enabling auto deploy flag does not need domain restart as well. Do I
>> have any misunderstandings?
>> GlassFish Version: v3 Prelude (build b28c)
>> Thanks & Regards,
>> Karen
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