
Re: SJSU: Update Tool - Configuration Tab Error Message

From: Tom Mueller <Tom.Mueller_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2009 11:45:12 -0500

I recently checked in fixes for UC2 bug 941
<https://updatecenter2.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=941> that
fixes several problems in the Java API for pkg(5) related to proxy
processing. This was one of the problems that was fixed. The fix is
available in build 24 of UC2.

Anissa Lam wrote:
> Hi Rahul,
> Thanks for trying this and attaching the screen shot. Please file a
> bug on this.
> Anissa.
> Rahul Satasia wrote:
>> HI Anissa,
>> Thanks for your reply.
>> I have changed Preference in update tool and selected "Manual Proxy
>> Configuration", Attached a screen-shot, ( But, Except Port# all text
>> box are Empty).
>> Even in this setting I am able to Download and Install any Add-ons
>> from Update center,
>> But Configuration Tab is not working from ADMIN CONSOLE.
>> I have attached an Updatetool.exe with my mail.
>> One more thing, In Update tool's Preference window, I have selected
>> "Proxies Require Authentication" check-box but, *It is accepting
>> Blank User-name and Password*.
>> *Thank You,*
>> *Rahul Satasia.*
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> *From:* Anissa Lam <Anissa.Lam_at_Sun.COM>
>> *To:* quality_at_glassfish.dev.java.net
>> *Sent:* Thursday, 26 March, 2009 8:19:17 PM
>> *Subject:* Re: SJSU: Update Tool - Congiguration Tab Error Message
>> Hi Rahul,
>> Looking at server.log:
>> Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: hostname can't be null
>> at java.net.InetSocketAddress.<init>(InetSocketAddress.java:121)
>> at com.sun.pkg.client.SystemInfo.getProxy(SystemInfo.java:130)
>> at
>> org.glassfish.uc.admingui.UpdateCenterHandlers.getProxyInfo(UpdateCenterHandlers.java:207)
>> ... 61 more
>> Line 207 of UpdateCenterHandlers.java is
>> Proxy proxy = SystemInfo.getProxy();
>> I believe thats a bug in update center client pkg. Did you set any
>> proxy server ? Can you bring up updatetool (its under bin directory) ?
>> Please file a bug and i can put in the evaluation and assign to
>> update tool.
>> thanks
>> Anissa.
>> Rahul Satasia wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I got the error Message while Clicking on Configuration Tab in
>>> Update tool of ADMIN Console. Below is the message:
>>> HTTP Status 500 -
>>> *type *Exception report
>>> *message *
>>> *description *The server encountered an internal error () that
>>> prevented it from fulfilling this request.
>>> *exception *
>>> javax.servlet.ServletException: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException while attempting to process a 'beforeCreate' event for 'propertySheet'.
>>> *root cause *
>>> java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException while attempting to process a 'beforeCreate' event for 'propertySheet'.
>>> *root cause *
>>> java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
>>> *root cause *
>>> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: hostname can't be null
>>> *note *The full stack traces of the exception and its root causes
>>> are available in the GlassFish/v3 logs.
>>> I have attached the Server.log file and the screen-shot as an
>>> attachment.
>>> Pls. guide me to solve this Exception.
>>> *Thank You,*
>>> *Rahul Satasia.*
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