
Re: Problem during Registration Process

From: Nolan Luu <Nolan.Luu_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 25 Mar 2009 21:52:15 -0700

Hi Anika,

I agree with you that it is a better user experience if the user can
cancel, but I am not sure if the registration can be canceled after the
data is sent to the back end registration server. Either way is fine,
but please do file it so we can keep track of the issue.



anika suri wrote:
> Hi,
> I tried installing the Glassfish Server V3 Prelude on Linux (Ubuntu)
> and found that during Installation on the 'Registration Progress' page
> all the buttons at the bottom of the page, namely Cancel, Next and
> Back get frozen.
> My question here is for Next and Back to be unavailable...makes
> sense..but why Cancel..
> I mean if any user wishes to cancel at that point..he cannot?
> shouldn't the button be enabled?
> Is an enhancement needed here or can this be reported as a bug??
> The screenshot is attached. Any inputs are welcome.
> Thanks,
> Anika Suri
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