
[Fwd: [Fwd: Re: New GlassFish committer: Wolfram Rittmeyer]]

From: Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Sun, 15 Feb 2009 22:40:04 -0800

Thanks Jim for sharing this happy news. You are right that Community
help filing bugs, then think of how to fix bugs, then start fixing them,
is the right working model.

Congratulations Wolfram and thanks for your contribution to GlassFish
quality !

Here is the wiki page on how to become GlassFish committer. You can
do it too :-)



attached mail follows:

FishCAT -> Committer
Wolfram Rittmeyer is the good case to ask the community member to follow...

attached mail follows:

Jan Luehe wrote:
> I have the pleasure to announce that Wolfram Rittmeyer (writtmeyer)
> has been accepted as a GlassFish committer.


hups - that's a nice surprise ;-) I have been following GlassFish's
progress for at least a year and have been involved in mailing lists,
the FishCAT program, have blogged about it (in German and English) and
even written two articles about v2 in a German Java magazine. Thus I
feel really honoured to be accepted as a committer!

This nevertheless came as quite a surprise - after all - despite being
active in other ways - this was my first patch to GlassFish.

Of course I am happy about this decision and I hope that I can keep up
the quality of my submissions.

There is of course the general problem of GlassFish development
procedures - of which I do not know much. Well I guess I will find s.th.
on the wiki - though for new developers it has to be improved. I
stumbled upon some lacks in documentation during my development and am
planning to provide either new pages or enhance existing ones.

Thanks again,

> Wolfram recently submitted a high-quality patch for a feature
> enhancement, see 
> https://glassfish.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=7177.
> His patch was quite extensive, and covered both the webcontainer and
> deployment backend parts of GlassFish.
> I committed Wolfram's patch on his behalf earlier this morning.
> Wolfram has also provided a unit test for his feature enhancement, and
> integrated it into our existing unit test harness.
> Wolfram, who is the author of the German JSP-Tutorial
> (http://www.jsptutorial.org), has been very pleasant to work with, and
> has shown great interest in GlassFish: He has been active on the
> Glassfish mailing lists, and has published interesting blogs
> (see http://weblogs.java.net/blog/writtmeyer/) about GlassFish, including
> a blog with useful tips on migrating web applications from Tomcat to
> GlassFish, and a blog on the virtual server capabilities in GlassFish.
> Wolfram has received the endorsement of various GlassFish committers
> and community members, including jfarcand, hzhang_jn, ameliaroh,
> pelegri, and myself.
> Congratulations on this well-deserved achievement, Wolfram, and
> welcome on board!
> Jan
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