
The FishCAT Café

From: Wim Verreycken <wim_at_pizzastop.be>
Date: Fri, 19 Dec 2008 21:08:32 +0100

Not the Hardrock Café, although nothing against the music... :-)


Since a while me and some other hardcore FishCAT have started a community
initiative on linkedin.

I’m inviting everyone on the quality alias to create a profile on linkedin
(that’s of course if you don’t have one yet) and become a member of this

This way we can all show the FishCAT image on our linkedin profile and
non-intrusively invite everyone in our professional network to become a part
of the GFQC initiative.

The more FishCAT, the merrier, and the better the quality of Glassfish v3


I have to say however, the quality mailing list
quality_at_glassfish.dev.java.net remains the only and primary source to
discuss possible issues in Glassfissh V3 and all future versions to come.

The linkedin group news and discussion forums are to be considered what
would be the FishCAT café, a virtual bar where we can discuss glassfish or
other j2ee issues without being “markmailed”, or posted anywhere else
online. So no worries if you want to stay at home one Friday night and talk
or learn about glassfish, or even a whole weekend.

This is the purpose for this linkedin group! Noone will shoot you if you are
slightly mistaking cause of a bit or too much of too good wiskey on a
weekend or weekday night!

Federation Architect of OpenSSO, Pat Patterson, shares with us his findings
about the best of bread of Scotch in the world, and you yourself are welcome
to do so in the FishCAT café on linkedin.

We won’t shoot you (unless maybe you wanna keep the whole bottle to yourself
:-) ). Here’s Pat’s findings, if you’re looking for an example :


So an openminded place where there’s freedom of speech, without being
published on several sites or possibility to loose sight.

Even (if considered so by you) stupid questions are most welcome. I can
already reply there are none.


I hope to welcome all of you on the linkedin FishCAT group, and am looking
forward to attracting new members through all of your personal networks.

Also looking forward to all interesting discussions we will have.


In the meantime, I wish all of you the very best. A Merry Christmas and
Happy New Year to all Glassfish Quality Community members!



Most kind regards and a very warm welcome,



Wim Verreycken