
RE: tiny cosmetic issue

From: Captain Jack Sparrow <xbl08325_at_nifty.com>
Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2008 13:32:25 +0900

Hi Wim,

You are great !
Anyone may pass over the missed information of log.

I wish your merry christmas and a happy new year.


-----Original Message-----

> Hi,
> There’s a typo in the word “EjbContainerUtil” in the logs of build
> 28c.
> If you look closely, it says “EjbContianerUtil” at the start of every
> line, right after the thread info. Not much of a problem, but it would
> be nicer if it were spelled correctly right?
> [#|2008-12-07T15:15:07.515+0100|INFO|glassfish|null|_ThreadID=
> 14;_ThreadName=Thread-5;|>>EjbContianerUtil:
> com.sun.ejb.containers.EjbContainerUtilImpl_at_64c4e9|#]
> A nice evening to everyone,
> Wim