
Re: Different solution for bug 4405?

From: Paul Sterk <Paul.Sterk_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 06 Nov 2008 18:13:04 -0800


Thanks for this latest update. I need to go through this tomorrow and
give you an update.


On 11/6/2008 5:07 PM, Survivant 00 wrote:
> /I think/ I found the problem in IE. (tell me if that fix your problem)
> you are using a PNG image with alpha for the toolbar. right ?
> there is a bug in IE for that.
> you can read this article : http://www.twinhelix.com/css/iepngfix/
> I know most of the CMS like Joomla contains and use the IE PNGfix.
> here the few first line of staging_page_new.html (that you gave me) (add
> the lines for the fix) and you need to put blank.gif and iepngfix.htc in
> youy root folder (that's where I put them) (PS I didn't play with the
> hover that doesn't work in IE)
> <html>
> <head>
> <style type="text/css"> /* <![CDATA[ */
> @import "/branding/css/tigris.css";
> @import "/branding/css/inst.css";
> /* ]]> */</style>
> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/branding/css/print.css"
> media="print" />
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> <script src="/branding/scripts/alm.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
> <style type="text/css">
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> @import "/branding/css/alm.css";
> /* ]]> */
> </style>
> <style type="text/css">
> img, div, li, a { behavior: url(iepngfix.htc) }
> </style>
> I did some modification to theme-next.js to hardcode the menus (just to
> see if the problem was there.. but it doesn't look like that.. )
> function createRegions() {
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> already exists.
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> Plugins</a></li>");
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> href='https://wsmonitor.dev.java.net/'>WSMonitor</a></li>");
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> Tool</a></li>");
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> if (isIE && ieversion >= 7) {
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> "</a><table><tr><td>");
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> html.push("<ul><li><a href=\"" + r.href + "\">" + r.title +
> "<table><tr><td>");
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> html.push("<li><a href=\"" + c.href + "\">" + c.title + "</a></li>");
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> html.push("</ul>");
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> if (isIE) {
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> html.push("</div>");
> if(rdiv==null)
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> */
> // inject HTML
> if(rdiv==null) {
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> box.id <http://box.id> = "regions-box";
> var banner = document.getElementById("banner");
> banner.insertBefore(box,banner.firstChild);
> box.innerHTML = html.join('');
> } else {
> rdiv.innerHTML = html.join('');
> }
> // attach event handler, since IE can't handle :hover
> /* this still doesn't seem to work with IE7...
> if (document.all) {
> var ul = document.getElementById("regions");
> for (i=0; i<ul.childNodes.length; i++) {
> var node = ul.childNodes[i];
> if (node.nodeName=="LI") {
> node.onmouseover=function() {
> this.className+=" over";
> }
> node.onmouseout=function() {
> this.className=this.className.replace(" over", "");
> }
> }
> }
> }*/
> }
> 2008/11/6 Survivant <survivant00_at_gmail.com <mailto:survivant00_at_gmail.com>>
> it what I read in his email, but if it's just that. I don't know why
> someone changes the look in feel in theme-next. and the javascript
> that generate the toolbar changes too.
> but mostly, it's just to take back the function in old javascript
> than generate the menu, and little changes in the css..
> for what I understood of the request.
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Judy Tang" <Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COM>
> To: <quality_at_glassfish.dev.java.net
> <mailto:quality_at_glassfish.dev.java.net>>
> Cc: "Paul Sterk" <Paul.Sterk_at_Sun.COM>
> Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2008 2:49 PM
> Subject: Re: Different solution for bug 4405?
> Wow, can't ask for any thing better, thanks Survivant so much !
> I think what Paul wants is to keep the current look and feel
> like the link below, will let Paul to let you know for sure ...
> https://glassfish.dev.java.net/
> Thanks,
> Judy
> Survivant 00 wrote:
> almost done.. but need to know what exactly you want. In the
> new theme-next to do want the toolbar to fillup all the top
> and the content align to the right ?
> or a faiding color like the old theme ?
> I have strip all the unnecessary code from the html and mix
> the css just to have the part that are different.
> in the old one the menu is generated right to left.. and at
> the end, a padding image is put there.
> in the new theme you start left to right.
> Just need to know what you want to have at the end.
> I put some zip in this email. The latest is when I mix the
> old look into the new one, and we can clearly see the order
> and padding that is not done in the new. but again.. I need
> to see what you want :)
> you can send me a picture modify with photoshop that shown
> what the final result should be.
> PS : I put the quality_at_glassfish.dev.java.net
> <mailto:quality_at_glassfish.dev.java.net>
> <mailto:quality_at_glassfish.dev.java.net
> <mailto:quality_at_glassfish.dev.java.net>> in the loop for
> this email, in case we get some feedback other than your and
> for the timezone.
> 2008/11/6 Survivant 00 <survivant00_at_gmail.com
> <mailto:survivant00_at_gmail.com> <mailto:survivant00_at_gmail.com
> <mailto:survivant00_at_gmail.com>>>
> thanks. Exactly what I wanted.
> I'll look what I can do.
> 2008/11/6 Paul Sterk <Paul.Sterk_at_sun.com
> <mailto:Paul.Sterk_at_sun.com> <mailto:Paul.Sterk_at_sun.com
> <mailto:Paul.Sterk_at_sun.com>>>
> On 11/6/2008 5:42 AM, Survivant 00 wrote:
> that what I got when i run the webapp
> Why don't you start with the raw html, attached. The goal is
> for you to see the original top tool bar. Once this is done,
> change this line:
> <script
> src="https://glassfish-themes-next.dev.java.net/theme-next.js"></script>
> to
> <script src="theme-next.js"></script>
> and you can work with your local js and theme-next.css to try
> a solution.
> Thanks again.
> Paul
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