
Re: Redmine on GlassFish problem

From: Peter Williams <Pete.Williams_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 24 Nov 2008 08:19:26 -0800

GlassFish V3 can run rails apps natively. Warbler will just slow things
down by due to translation to servlet layer, then to rails. Given the
nature of the problem you reported, this may or may not make a
difference, but it might. Since you have already set things up with
Warbler, you might also try GlassFish V2 (which would require the
warbler solution to run this) and see if it works or fails similarly there.


Kana K. wrote:
> Hi Peter,
> Thank you so much for replying !
>> Any particular reason you're not deploying redmine as a native rails
>> application to GlassFish V3? You only need warbler if deploying to V2.
> I'm trying this just for testing purpose... :-)
> I'm afraid if I don't understand v3's feature very well,
> but is it not recommended to deploy rails app with using warbler ?
> ------
> Kana
> 2008/11/24 Peter Williams <Pete.Williams_at_sun.com>:
>> Any particular reason you're not deploying redmine as a native rails
>> application to GlassFish V3? You only need warbler if deploying to V2.
>> -Peter
>> Kana K. wrote:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> I'm trying to deploy and run Redmine[1], RoR based application, on
>>> GlassFish with using warbler[2].
>>> ---
>>> *JRuby 1.1.5 (Newest release from trunk)
>>> *Redmine 0.7-stable
>>> *GlassFish v3 prelude (Windows)
>>> * Warbler 0.9.11
>>> ---
>>> It worked fine on WEBrick(although there're some problems left).
>>> With GlassFish v3 prelude, I tried following procedure:
>>> ---
>>> 1. Install Redmine.
>>> 2. Package the installed Redmine into war file with using warbler.
>>> 3. Run GlassFish v3 and deploy the war file (2) using GUI admin console.
>>> 4. Raunch the application from GUI console.
>>> ---
>>> Deployment was successfully done, however, there seems to be some problems
>>> in getting resource texts.
>>> Please see the gif images at:
>>> ---
>>> *On WEBrick:
>>> http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_Y5Suy8wAnXI/SRO2j4o5nyI/AAAAAAAAAEA/LnM5_v3sadA/s1600-h/redmine_top.JPG
>>> ---
>>> *On GlassFish:
>>> http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_Y5Suy8wAnXI/SR79JqON90I/AAAAAAAAAEI/tY41cNAAHWA/s1600-h/redmine_glassfish.JPG
>>> ---
>>> As seen above images, some of UI strings are not correctly replaced on
>>> GlassFish.
>>> It does not happen on WEBrick, so I'm suspecting the problem comes
>>> from GlassFish side...
>>> Any ideas ?
>>> -------------------------
>>> [1]http://www.redmine.org/
>>> [2]http://caldersphere.rubyforge.org/warbler/
>>> ----
>>> Kana
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